LTO Update: How to apply Non-professional license. - PH Trending

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Thursday, 17 August 2017

LTO Update: How to apply Non-professional license.

Get your 5-year  validity Driver's License now!

  1. At least 18 years old
  2. Physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle
  3. Able to read and write in Filipino or English
  4. Clean, neat and presentable*
*Wearing of sando, sports shorts, and slippers during photo-taking and examinations will not be allowed.
  1. Duly accomplished application form for driver’s license (ADL) [Download this form here].
  2. Valid student permit (at least one month old)
  3. Medical certificate with official receipt from any duly-licensed and practicing physician (Note: The LTO will not accept medical certificates which are over 15 days old.)
  4. Negative drug test result (from a DOH accredited drug testing center & Government Hospital)
  5. If employed: Taxpayer’s Identification Number (TIN)
  6. Must have passed the written and practical examinations*
*Applicants who fail the Basic Driving Theory Test and/or the Practical Driving Test twice shall not be allowed to apply for the same within a period of 1 year. An applicant who fails either of the tests for the third time will not be allowed to apply for a period of 2 years. [Learn more]
  1. Go to the customer service counter to get your checklist of requirements and secure a driver’s license application form. [This form is available for download here. You can accomplish this form prior to transacting your business at the LTO.] Get a queue number.
  2. When your number is called, go to the evaluator counter and submit all the required documents and have it checked for completeness and authenticity.
  3. When your name is called, go to where your photo and signature will be taken.
  4. Go to the cashier to pay the application fee.
  5. Go to the Examination Room for the lecture and written exam.
  6. After passing the written exam, wait for your name to be called for the practical exam.
  7. After passing the practical exam, go to the cashier when your name is called for payment of necessary fees and obtain an official receipt (OR).
  8. Go to the releasing counter, wait for your name to be called and present the OR and claim the card type license.
Any licensing center/ district office with new driver’s license transactions
Fees and charges
Application Fee
Computer Fee
License Fee
Computer Fee
Visit for more information.
Originally appeared on this link:


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