DOH Health Update for COVID-2019 as of March-April 2020. - PH Trending

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Monday, 4 May 2020

DOH Health Update for COVID-2019 as of March-April 2020.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Dashboard

Disclaimer: Information listed in this web site may change at any time due to evolving situation. For further info, please visit the official DOH & WHO International web site and email.

DOH-BULLETIN UPDATE as of 4:00 PM 03 May 2020.

As of 4PM today, May 3, 2020, the Department of Health reports 295 new cases (PH8929-PH9223) of COVID-19. The total number of cases in the country is now at 9,223

DOH also announces 90 new recoveries. This brings the total number of recoveries to 1,214.

Total Confirmed Case: 9,223 *(295) new  cases
Total Number of Recovery 1214 *(90) new recoveries
Total Number of Deaths:  607 *(4) new deaths

*UNITED STATES: Confirmed: 1,188,122 Deaths: 68,598 Recovery: 178,263 (As of 10:14 AM 5/4/2020)

To see Case Information Nationwide, click the yellow box with label "Download COVID-19 DOH Data Drop". Note: Updated every 4PM by DOH.

Worldwide real time counter for Coronavirus Pandemic
Below is the worldwide real time counter for Coronavirus Pandemic showing details of the nation with its respective: confirmed cases, death and recover count updates.
*Updated automatically every 5 minutes by Source : RoyLabStats(1)

To find Philippines, press Ctrl+F then Type "Philippines" then hit enter:

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[LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News
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12. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN):
13. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP):
14. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): /
15. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE):
16. Lidovky (CZE):
17. The News International (PAK):
18. kawalcovid19 (IND):

Health Facility in the Philippines with Confirmed COVID-19
Cities and Areas in the Philippines with Confirmed COVID-19
List of Recovery & Death COVID-2019 Case in the Philippines.
Recovered Patient Reviews

(Sort by PH#)

PH1 - F | 38 Chinese, History of Travel / Exposure: Yes (China); Wife of PH2, Date of Onset of Symptoms: 1-Jan-20, 20, Date of Admission: 25-Jan, Date of Lab Confirmation: 30-Jan-20, Health Facility Admitted : San Lazaro Hospital, Residence in the Philippines: None

PH3 - F | 60, Chinese, History of Travel / Exposure:Yes (China), Date of Onset of Symptoms: 21-Jan-20, Date of Admission: 22-Jan-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 30-Jan-20, Health Facility Admitted : San Lazaro Hospital, Residence in the Philippines: None

PH4 - 48 year old Filipino male from Taguig City with travel history from Japan. Onset of symptoms on March 3. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 5. Discharged on March 19 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. (29th PH Recovery)

PH7 - M | 38 Taiwanese, No Travel History; Contact of FN2, Date of Onset of Symptoms: 3-Mar-20, Date of Admission: 6-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 8-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Makati Medical Center, Residence: Makati, Discharged: 21-Mar-20

PH10 - 57 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with travel history from Taiwan. Onset os symptoms on February 20. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 8. Discharged on March 23 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. Other comorbidities: Asthma, Diabetes Mellitus. (22nd PH Recovery)

PH11 - 72 year old Filipino male from San Juan City with no travel and exposure history. Onset of symptoms on March 7. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 9. Discharged on March 27 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. (35th PH Recovery)

PH13 - M | 34 Filipino, History of Travel: Yes (Australia), Date of Onset Symptoms: 28-Feb-20 (Fever), Date of Admission: 6-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Makati Medical Center Quezon City, Region:  NCR, Discharged: 15-Mar-20

PH14 - M | 46 Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: None, Date of Onset of Symptoms: 25-Feb-20 (Fever and Cough), Date of Admission: 5-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Makati Medical Center, Residence: Pasay City, Region: NCR, Discharged: 15-Mar-20

PH15 - M | 24 Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: Yes (UAE), Date of Onset of Symptoms: 1-Mar-20 (Cough), Date of Admission:  7-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Makati Medical Center Makati City, Region: NCR, Discharged: 15-Mar-20

PH16 - M | 70 Filipino, Exposure: Husband of PH17, Date of Onset symptoms: 1-Mar-20 (Cough, Sore throat, and colds), Date of Admission: 5-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Research Institute of Tropical Medicine, Residence: San Juan City, region: NCR, Discharged: 19-Mar-20, Known Hypertensive.

PH17 - F | 69 Filipino, Exposure: Wife of PH16, Date of Onset symptoms: 2-Mar-20 (Cough and colds with hypertension), Date of Admission: 6-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Research Institute of Tropical Medicine, Residence: San Juan City, Region: NCR, Discharged: 19-Mar-2

PH18 - 41 year old Filipino male from Pasig City with travel history from Taiwan. Onset of symptoms on February 26. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 9. Discharged on March 24 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. (23rd PH Recovery)

PH19 - 46 year old Filipino female from Pasig City with no travel history; related to a known COVID-19 case. Onset of symptoms on March 7. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 9. Discharged on March 26 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. (33rd PH Recovery)

PH20 - M | 48 Filipino, History of Travel: Yes. Japan, Date of Onset of Symptoms: 29-Feb-20 (Cough and body malaise), Date of  Admission: 7-Mar-20, Date of  Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Research Institute of Tropical Medicine, Residence: Cavite, Region: REGION-IV, Discharged: (As per DOH Announcement on 19 March 2020

PH22 - F | 51 Filipino, With Exposure History to a known COVID-19 case, Date of Onset symptoms: 4-Mar-20 (Cough, colds, dysphagia), Date of Admission: 5-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Residence: San Juan City, Discharged: 18-Mar-20

PH23 - 30 year old Filipino female from San Juan City with no travel and exposure history. Onset of sympstoms on March 3. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 7. Discharged on March 24 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. (26th PH Recovery)

PH25 - M | 31 Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: Diamond Princess Cruise Ship, Date of Onset of Symptoms: Asymptomatic, Date of Admission: 10-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 9-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital, Residence in the PH: Negros Oriental, Region: REGION VII, Discharged: 16-Mar-20

PH26 - M | 34 Filipino, History of Travel: Diamond Princess Cruise Ship, Date of Onset of Symptoms: Asymptomatic, Date of Admission: 10-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 10-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital, Residence: Camarines Sur, Region: REGION V, Discharged: 18-Mar-20

PH28 - 69 year old Filipino male from Marikina City with no travel history; with exposure to a known COVID-19 case. Onset of symptoms on February 29. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 10. Discharged on March 22 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. (28th PH Recovery)

PH31 - 28 year old Filipino female from San Juan City with exposure to a known COVID-19 case. Onset of symptoms on March 1. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 10. Discharged on March 22 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. (25th PH Recovery)

PH41 - F | 75 Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: USA (Sister of PH44 and PH87; relative of PH112) , Date of Onset of Symptoms: 1-Mar-20,  Date of Admission: 9-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation:11-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Makati Medical Center, Residence: Makati City, Region: NCR, Discharged: 17-Mar-20

PH42 - 51 year old Filipino male from Pasig City with travel no travel history; with exposure to known COVID-19 cases. Onset of symptoms on March 5. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 11. Discharged on March 26 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. (31st PH Recovery)

PH49 - M | 72 Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: Brother of PH52, Date of Onset of Symptoms: 1-Mar-20, Date of Admission: 9-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 11-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Asian Hospital and Medical Center, Residence: Batangas, Region: REGION IV-A, Discharged: 21-Mar-20, Known Hypertensive

PH51 - M | 26 Filipino, Son of PH134; brother of PH135, Date of Onset of Symptoms: 28-Feb-20, date of Admission: 4-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 11-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Makati Medical Center, Residence: Quezon City, Discharged: 16-Mar-20

PH58 - (45th PH Recovery)- 45 year old Filipino female from Makati City with no travel history; exposure to a known COVID-19 case. Onset of symptoms on March 6. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 14. Discharged on March 29 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH62 - F | 35 Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: None, Date of Onset of Symptoms: 1-Mar-20, Date of Admission: 13-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 13-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Ortigas Hospital and Health Care Center, Residence: Rizal , Region: REGION IV-A, Discharged: 15-Mar-20, with pre-existing Asthma

PH66 - 25 year old Filipino male from Pasig City with travel history from Japan; with exposure to known COVID-19 cases. Onset of symptoms on March 7. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 13. Discharged on March 25 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. (30th PH Recovery)

PH73 , a hypertensive 54-year old Filipino male from Manila with a history of travel to Thailand and exposure to a known COVID-19 case. He was asymptomatic when he was discharged on March 21 after testing negative for COVID-19 once.

PH82 - 66 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel and exposure history. Onset of symptoms on March 5. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 14. Discharged on March 24 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. (24th PH Recovery)

PH87 - 76 year old Filipino female from Quezon City with exposure history to known COVID-19 cases. Onset of symptoms on February 25 and was confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 14. She was discharged on March 22 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes. (20th PH Recovery)

PH88 (42nd PH Recovery) - 33 year old Filipino male from San Juan City with no travel and exposure history. Onset of symptoms on March 9. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 14. Discharged on March 23 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH95 - 64-year old Filipino female from Batangas with travel history from Italy. Onset symptoms on March 6. Confirmed positive for VOCID-19 on March 14. She was discharged on March 24 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. Other comorbidities: Hypertension. (21st PH Recovery)

PH96 - (49th PH Recovery) - 39 year old male from Abra with travel history from UAE and Thailand. Onset of symptoms on March 9. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 14. Discharged on March 31 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH109 (41st PH Recovery) - 44 year old Filipino male from Pasig City with no travel history. Onset of symptoms on March 1. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 15. Discharged on March 21 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH112 - 41 year old Filipino male from Makati City with travel history to Japan; with exposure to known COVID-19 cases. Onset of symptoms on March 9. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 14. Discharged on March 21 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. (27th PH recovery)

PH114 (40th PH Recovery) - 35 year old Filipino male from Caloocan City with travel history from Japan. Onset of symptoms on March 9. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 14. Discharged on March 21 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH122 (39th PH Recovery) - 41 year old Filipino male from Tarlac with no travel history. Onset of symptoms on March 9. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 10. Discharged on March 23 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH130 - 21 years old Filipino female from Davao de Oro with travel history from UK and Qatar. Onset of symptoms on March 03 and was confirmed positive on March 15. She was discharged on March 23 asymptomatic with 1 negative result. Other comorbidities: Bronchial Asthma. (19th PH Recovery)

PH135 (38th PH Recovery) - 13 year old Filipino female from Quezon City with related to a known COVID-19 case. Onset of symptoms on March 4. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 15. Discharged on March 16 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH143 - 73 | M Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: None, Date of Onset Symptoms: 11-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 16-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Residence: Quezon City, Discharged: 19-Mar-20, Known Hypertensive

PH163 - 55 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history. Onset of symptoms on March 6. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 16. Discharged on March 25 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. (32nd PH Recovery)

PH179 is a 59-year-old Filipino male from Taguig City with no travel history. He first began manifesting COVID-19 symptoms on March 11 but he was discharged from the hospital on March 29 after testing negative for the disease twice

PH185 - (46th PH Recovery)- 48 year old Filipino male from Pasig City with no travel history. Onset of symptoms on March 8. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 16. Discharged on March 28 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH197 - (47th PH Recovery)- 77 year old Filipino male from Rizal with no travel history. Onset of symptoms on March 8. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 18. Discharged on March 28 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH204 (36th PH Recovery) - 32 year old Filipino female from Makati City with no travel history; with exposure to a known COVID-19 case. Onset of symptoms on March 8. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 18. Discharged on March 26 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH235 - 30 year old Filipino male from Mandaluyong City with no travel and exposure history. Onset of symptoms on March 11. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 11. Discharged on March 25 asymptomatic with 2 negative results. (34th PH Recovery)

PH258 - (48th PH Recovery)- 68 year old Filipino-American male from Mandaluyong City with travel history from Dubai, Jordan, Israel, and Egypt. Onset of symptoms on March 14. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. Discharged on March 29 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH271 - (44th PH Recovery)- 60 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history. Onset of symptoms on March 11. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. Discharged on March 30 asymptomatic with 2 negative result.

PH358 (37th PH Recovery) - 35 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history and exposure history. Onset of symptoms on March 6. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 21. Discharged on March 28 asymptomatic with 1 negative result.

PH577 - (43rd PH Recovery) - 60 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history. Onset of symptoms on March 11. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. Discharged on March 30 asymptomatic with 2 negative result.

Death Patient Reviews

96. PH415 was a 79-year-old female from Makati City with unknown travel history. She died on March 28 due to acute respiratory distress syndrome secondary to community-acquired high-risk pneumonia and COVID-19. She also had hypertension and hypothyroidism.

95. PH1,299 was a 73-year-old male Pasig City resident whose travel history is still unknown. He died on March 21 but only tested positive for COVID-19 four days later. He died of several complications secondary to COVID-19 but also had numerous comorbidities.

94. PH1,089 was a 65-year-old female from Quezon City with no history of travel. She died on March 22 but her COVID-19 test results only came back positive on March 27. She died of acute respiratory distress syndrome and high-risk pneumonia but also had diabetes and cardiac disease.

93. PH1,811 was a hypertensive 66-year-old male Parañaque City resident whose travel history is still unknown. He died on March 23 but only tested positive for COVID-19 on March 28. He died due to acute respiratory failure and community-acquired pneumonia.

92. PH621 was a 77-year-old male from Manila with no travel history. He died on March 29 of septic shock, pneumonia, and COVID-19. He also had prostatic cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

91. PH1,039 was an 84-year-old male Mandaluyong resident with no travel history and comorbidities. He died on March 28 due to pneumonia and COVID-19.

90. PH1,723 was a 70-year-old male from Cebu City whose travel and exposure history are still unknown. He died on March 28, the same day that his COVID-19 test results came back positive. He died of respiratory distress syndrome with multiple organ failure secondary to COVID-19. He also had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary artery disease.

89. PH692 was a hypertensive 80-year-old male San Juan resident with no travel history. He died on March 30 due to high-risk pneumonia and COVID-19.

88. PH1680 - 51 year old Filipino female from Rizal with unkown travel history died on March 24, 10:36PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Sysndrome secondary to Pneumonia High Risk, Severe Acute Respiratory Infection.

87. PH1240 - 51 year old Filipino male from San Juan City with unkown travel history died on March 28, 7:35PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 26. Cause of death: Fatal arrhythmia probably secondary to myocarditis; Septic Shock secondary to COVID-19; Refractory Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Pneumonia, Acute Kidney Injury secondary to sepsis. Other comorbidities: Hyperthyroidism.

86. PH862 - 78 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with unkown travel history died on March 25, 11:31AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 26. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk. Other comorbidities: Hypertension

85. PH1508 - 72 year old Filipino male from Rizal with unkown travel history died on March 26, 1:07PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 27. Cause of death: Fatal arrhythmia, Hyperkalemia, Acute Kidney Injury, Acute Respiratory failure.  Other comorbidities: Hypertension

84. PH1372 - 89 year old Filipino male from Caloocan City with unkown travel history died on March 28, 3:15PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 27. Cause of death: Fatal arrhythmia secondary to severe acidosis secondary to sepsis; Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to COVID-19, Shock secondary to bacteremia secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, Acute Kidney Injury secondary to sepsis. Other comorbidities: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia.

83. PH2045 - 60 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with unkown travel history died on March 26, 4:03PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Pneumonia High Risk. Other comorbidities: Hypertension

82. PH1032 - 64 year old Filipino female from Manila with no travel history died on March 27, 5:483PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 26. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Pneumonia High Risk secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus

81. PH1419 - 69 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel and exposure history died on March 30, 2:18M. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 27. Cause of death: Septic Shock secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Cerebrovascular Accident Infarct.

80. PH798 - 74 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history died on March 29. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. Cause of death: Community-acquired Pneumonia , COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiac Disease

79. PH935 - 83 year old Filipino male from Parañaque City with no travel history died on March 29, 1:49AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 26. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to COVID-19 nfection. Other comorbidities: Chronic Kidney Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus.

78. PH1489 - 61 year old Filipino female from Makati City with no travel and exposure history. Died on March 27, 1:29PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 16. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension

79. PH1489 - 74 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with unknown travel and exposure history. Died on March 21. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 27. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Pneumonia. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus

77. PH1446 - 59 year old Filipino male from Davao City with no travel history. Died on March 23. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 29. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, Hypoxia. Other comorbidities: Cardiac Disease.

76. PH1447 - 45 year old Filipino male from Davao City with unknown travel and exposure history. Died on March 23. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 29. Cause of death: Cardiopulmonary Arrest, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, Hypoxia.

75. PH1488 - 60 year old male from Muntinlupa City with unknown travel and exposure history. Died on March 26, 5:58PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory distress Syndrome, Septic Shock, COVID-19.

74. PH647 - 43 year old Filipino male from Parañaque City with no travel and exposure history. Died on March 27, 7:58PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Pneumonia COVID-19, Myocardial Dysfunction.

73. PH587 - 79 year old Filipino male from Muntinlupa City with no travel history. Died on March 29, 3:52AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 24. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Pneumonia COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension

72. PH149 - 61 year old Filipino female from Makati City with no travel and exposure history. Died on March 27, 1:29PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 16. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension

71. PH718 - 78 year old Filipino male from Manila with no travel history. Expired on March 26.  Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Chronic Kidney Disease

70. PH900 - 71 year old Filipino male from Iloilo with no travel history. Expired on March 21, 7:00PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 27. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Cardiac Disease, Dengue

69. PH859 - 70 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history. Expired on March 23, 8:04PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 26. Cause of death: Cardiopulmonary Arrest; Acute Respiratory Failure; Community-acquired High Risk, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Bronchial Asthma

68. PH581 - 79 year old Filipino-American female from Taguig City with no travel history. Expired on March 21, 3:24AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 24. Cause of death: Arryhytmia, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, high Risk Pneumonia probably secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Acute Kidney Injury

67. PH635 -80 year old Filipino female from Parañaque City with no travel history; related to a known COVID-19 case. Expired on March 22, 6:35PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 24. Cause of death: Severe Acute Respiratory Distress secondary to Severe Pneumonia. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Renal Disease

66. PH277  - 71 year old Filipino female from Bulacan with unknown travel and exposure history; related to a known COVID-19 case. Expired on March 19, 5:32AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, Severe Acure Respiratory Infection and Septic Shock secondary to Pneumonia. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Asthma.

65. PH604 - 60 year old Filipino male from Manila with no travel and exposure history. Expired on March 26, 1:08AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 24. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia

64. PH731 - 82 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history. Expired on March 20, 1:12AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Myocardial Infarction secondary to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus

63. PH729 - 67 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with unknown travel and exposure history. Expired on March 19, 1:20AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk secondary to Congestive Heart Failure. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus

62.  PH393 - 74 year old Filipino female from Quezon City with no travel history. Expired on March 21, 7:55PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 22. Cause of death: Septic Shock secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, Complete Heart Block, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Cardiac disease.

61. PH677 - 60 year old Filipino male from Caloocan City with no travel history. Expired on March 23, 8:13AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Heart Failure, Pneumonia, COVID-19

60. PH676 - 64 year old Filipino female from San Juan City with no travel history. Expired on March 24, 1:46AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Cardiopulmonary Arrest, Acute heart Failure, Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Renal Disease.

59. PH730 - 59 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history. Expired on March 25, 6:35AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Cardiac arrhythmia secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension.

58. PH522 - 61 year old Filipino female from Pasig City with no travel history. Expired on March 26, 10:01PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 23. Cause of death: Cardiopulmonary arrest secondary to bradycardic-pulseless electrical activity secondary to severe metabolic respiratory acidosis secondary to Acute Kidney Injury, Septic Shock, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Other comorbidities: Renal Disease.

56. PH648 - 71 year old Filipino male from <residence still for validation> with unknown travel and exposure history. Expired on March 25, 8:27PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Septic Shock, Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, COVID-19, Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding secondary to stress gastritis, Acute Kidney Injury secondary to Sepsis. Other comorbidities: Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiac Dysrhythmia

55. PH382 - 63 year old Filipino female from Quezon City with no travel history. Expired on March 18, 7:15PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 22. Cause of death Pneumonia High Risk. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Kidney Disease.

54. PH306 - 67 year old Filipino female from Quezon City with unknown travel and exposure history. Expired on March 26, 6:29AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 21. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Disease secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertensive Cardiovascular disease, Acute Kidney Injury, Bronchial Asthma not in Acute Exacerbation, Impaired Fasting Glucose.

53. PH401 - 62 year old Filipino male from Manila with no travel history; related to a known COVID-19 case. Expired on March 22, 10:14PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 23. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Community-acquired Pneumoonia High Risk. Other comorbidities: Hypertensive Cardiovascular disease, Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Mellitus.

52. PH437 - 57 year old Filipino male from Manila with no travel history. Expired on March 18, 3:43PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 22. Cause of death: Cardiogenic shock, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Atherosclerotic Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia. Other comorbidities: Hypertensive cardiovascular Disease

51. PH462 - 83 year old Filipino female from Cavite with no travel history. Expired on March 17, 2:07AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 22. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure, Pneumonia High Risk, Acute Myocardial Infarction. Other comorbidities: Chronic Kidney Disease.

50. PH389 - PH389 - 71 year old Filipino female from Quezon City with no travel. Expired on March 17, 11:02AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 22. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure, Sepsis, Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus

49. PH178 - 74 year old Filipino male from Manila with no travel history and exposure history. Expired on March 19, 9:08AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 16. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Disease Distress Syndrome secondary to Severe Pneumonia; COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension

48. PH571 - 72 year old Filipino female from Muntinlupa City with unknown travel history and exposure history. Expired on March 26, 10:28AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 23. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome secondary to COVID-19 Pneumonia High Risk, Septic Shock. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular disease, Acute Kidney Injury Stage III (on Hemodialysis)

47. PH637 - 75 year old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel history; related to a known COVID-19. Expired on March 19, 9:09PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure Type 1 secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, Acute kidney injury secondary to infection. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Tongue Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

46. PH366 - 63 year old Filipino male from Muntinlupa City with no travel history. Expired on March 23, 11:29AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 21. Cause of death: Acute Respiratory Failure, Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, Sepsis, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Bronchial Asthma, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease.

45. PH327 - 46 year old Filipino male from Laguna with no travel history. Expired on March 15. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 21. Cause of death: Acute Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Disease. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Renal Disease.

44. PH354 - 80 year old Filipino female from Rizal with unknown travel and exposure history. Expired on March 13, 5:20PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. Cause of death: Acute Coronary Syndrome / Congestive Heart Failure, Severe Acute Respiratory Infection.

43. PH600 - 87 year old Filipino male from Sultan Kudarat with no travel history. Expired on March 14, 5:55AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 24. Cause of death: Acute respiratory failure secondary to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) on top of Community-acquired Pneumonia, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: COPD

42. PH636 - 56 year old Filipino male from Pampanga with no travel and exposure history. Expired on March 24, 6:37PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 25. Cause of death: Acute respiratory distress syndrome secondary to COVID-19 Pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Failure. Other comorbidities: Hypertension.

41. PH540 - 50 year old Filipino male from Pasay City with no travel history. Expired on March 25, 5:55PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 24. Cause of death: Acute respiratory failure, community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Diabetes Mellitus.

40. PH278 - 72 year old Filipino female from San Juan City with no travel and exposure history. Expired on March 25, 9:00AM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. Cause of death: septic shock, Severe Pneumonia, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Colon Cancer Stage 1.

39. PH321 - 46 year old Filipino male from Rizal with no travel and exposure history. Expired on March 23, 1:03PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 21. Cause of death: Acute respiratory disease secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension

38. PH29 - 82 year old Filipino female from Marikina City with travel history from USA; with exposure to a known COVID-19 case. Expired on March 23, 2:13PM. Confirmed positive to COVID-19 on March 10. Cause of death: Shock multifactorial (septic and cardiogenic), Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to COVID-19 Pneumonia, Acute Renal Failure secondary to Sepsis. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Valvular Heart Disease.

37. PH326 - 57 year old Filipino male from Caloocan City with no travel of exposure history. Expired on March 26, 2:40 AM. Confirmed positive for VOID-19 on March 21. Cause of death is Acute respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia

36. PH319 - 56 year old Filipino male from Quezon city with no travel and exposure history. Expired on March 22, 10:09PM. Confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 21. Cause of death: Community-acquired Pneumonia secondary to COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus.

35. PH239 - 76 years old Filipino male from Cavite with no travel history and exposure history. He expired on march 14, 9:00 PM days before he was confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 20. The cause of his death are Heart Failure, Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, ST-elevation Myocardia Infarction, Acute Respiratory Failure, COVID-19. Other comorbidities: Diabetes.

34. PH215 - 71 years old Filipino male from Quezon City with no travel and exposure history. He expired on March 24, 2:16 AM. His Lab confirmation for COVID-19 was on March 18. Cause of death: Severe Pneumonia (COVID-19); Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease; Cardiac dysrhythmia. Other comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes.

33. Patient 349 was a diabetic and hypertensive 56-year old male from Parañaque City with no history of travel or exposure to a confirmed case. He died on March 17 but his COVID-19 results only came back positive on March 21. He died of acute respiratory failure, secondary to acute respiratory distress syndrome, secondary to acute viral pneumonia.

32. Patient 367 was a 78-year old Filipino male from Parañaque City who died on March 22 of acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, community-acquired high-risk pneumonia, and COVID-19. He also had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

31. Patient 333 was a 65-year old male from Quezon City with no travel history who died on March 21, the same day he tested positive for COVID-19. He died of acute respiratory distress syndrome, COVID-19, and pneumonia, but also had hypertension and kidney disease.

30. Patient 328 was a 74-year old male from Quezon City with no travel history. He died on March 13 but only tested positive for COVID-19 on March 21. He died of acute respiratory failure secondary to community-acquired pneumonia. He also had hypertension and kidney disease.

29. Patient 304 was an 89-year old male from Bulacan who had a history of exposure to a known COVID-19 case. He died on March 20 but his COVID-19 test results only came back positive the next day. He died of myocardial infarction, pneumonia, and multiple electrolyte imbalance but also had acute kidney injury and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

28. Patient 279 was a 73-year old male from San Juan City with no travel history. He died on March 16 but his COVID-19 test results only came back positive four days later. He died of septic shock and community-acquired high-risk pneumonia but also had chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and ischemic heart disease.

27. Patient 266 was a 71-year old male from Quezon City with no history of travel or exposure to a known COVID-19 case. He died on March 20, the same day he tested positive for the disease. His cause of death was septic shock, community-acquired high-risk pneumonia, and COVID-19. He also had acute kidney injury secondary to pre-renal azotemia, cardiomyopathy secondary to ischemic heart disease, and diabetes mellitus.

26. Patient 281 was a 57-year old male from Mandaluyong City with no travel history who died on March 19 of septic shock, severe pneumonia, and COVID-19. He also had acute kidney injury secondary to pre-renal azotemia, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.

25. PH226 - 69 | M Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: None, 20-Mar-20, Residence: Quezon City, Expired: 16-Mar-20, Cause of Death: SARS, Pneumonia High Risk, Immunocompromised State, Known diabetic and hypertensive

24. PH52 - F | 79 Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: UK and With Exposure History to a known COVID-19 case, Date of Onset Symptoms: 1-Mar-20, Date of Admission: 8-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 11-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Asian Hospital and Medical Center, Residence: Batangas, REGION IV-A, Expired: 20-Mar-20, Cause of Death: Multiple organ failure secondary to  septic shock from Pneumonia-high risk secondary to  COVID-19, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Known Hypertensive

23. PH351 - 56 | M Filipino, Date of Lab Confirmation: 20-Mar-20, Residence: San Juan City, Expired: 19-Mar-20, Cause of Death: Septic Shock Secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia High Risk, COVID19

22. PH310 - 60 | F Filipino, Travel History: France and Abu Dhabi, Date of Admission: 14-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 21-Mar-20, Residence: Quezon City , Expired: 21-Mar-20, Cause of Death: ARDS secondary to COVID-19 (confirmed), Community Acquired Pneumonia-High Risk

21. PH200 - 34 | M Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: None , Date of Lab Confirmation: 18-Mar-20, Residence: Quezon City, Expired: 21-Mar-20 ARDS secondary to Severe Acute Respiratory Illness COVID-19 with known diabetic

20. PH210 - 81 | M Filipino, History of Travel / Exposure: None, Date of Lab Confirmation: 18-Mar-20, Residence: San Juan City, Expired: 18-Mar-20, Cause of Death, Cardiac arrhythmia, Septic shock, secondary to community acquired Pneumonia-high risk, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease

19. PH205 - 73 | F Filipino, Travel History / Exposure: None, 3/12/2020 (Dead on Arrival), Date of  Lab Confirmation: 18-Mar-20, Residence: San Juan City, Region: NCR, Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest with Known diabetic and hypertensive.

18. PH124 - M | 65 Filipino - History of Travel: Singapore, Date of Lab Confirmation: 15-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: St. Luke's Medical Center - Quezon City, Residence: Quezon City, Region: NCR, Expired: 17-Mar-20.

17. PH160 - 86 | F Filipino, Travel history / Exposure: None, Date of Lab Confirmation: 16-Mar-20 Cardinal, Health Facility Admitted: Santos Medical Center, Residence: San Juan City, Region: NCR, Expired: 17-Mar-20, Cause of Death: Septic shock secondary to Pneumonia-High Risk Secondary to COVID-19 With Chronic Kidney Disease to Hypertensive nephrosclerosis, Ischemic heart disease, Peripheral arterial occlusive disease.

16. PH57 - M | 65 Filipino, Travel History: London, Admitted: 10-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 13-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: The Medical City - Ortigas, Residence: Pasig City, Region:  NCR, Expired: 17-Mar-20, Cause of Death: ARDS secondary to COVID-19, Pneumonia with hypertension and diabetes mellitus

15. PH201 - 58 | M Filipino, Travel History: Malaysia, Admitted: 10-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 18-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Amai Pakpak Medical Center, Residence: Lanao Del Sur, Region: BARMM, Expired: 17-Mar-20, Cause of death: ARDS secondary to COVID-19 with Diabetes Mellitus.

14. PH129 - 67 | M Filipino, Travel History / Exposure: None, Date of Lab Confirmation: 15-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Diliman Doctors Hospital/ Lung Center of the Philippines, Residence in the Philippines: Quezon City, Region: NCR, Expired: 17-Mar-20, Date of Death: ARDS secondary to COVID-19, community-acquired pneumonia. *Hypertensive

13. PH126- 76 | M Filipino Travel History / Exposure: None , Date of Admission: 9-Mar-20, Date of Lab Confirmation: 15-Mar-20, Health Facility Admitted: Adventist Medical Center (Manila), Residence in the Philippines: Rizal, REGION IV-A, Expired: 17-Mar-20, Causes of Death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and severe pneumonia with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease.

12. PH12-  A 56 year old Filipino male, began experiencing fever and cough on February 29, 2020. The patient was admitted to Makati Medical Center on March 7, and was confirmed positive for COVID-19 on March 9. PH12 expired evening of march 15 due to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, secondary to COVID-19, and was reported to have preexisting Asthma.

11. PH39 - A 54 year old Filipino male from Negros Oriental. Has history of travel to Greenhills. Expired on March 15, 2020, 11:09 am. Known case of Chronic Renal Disease; S/P Renal Transplant (2010).

10. PH54 - A 40 year old Filipino from Pasig City. No history of travel to foreign countries and no history of exposure 14 days prior to onset of symptoms. Expired March 15, 2020, :45 am. Cause of Death: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, CAP, High-risk, COVID-19.

9. PH9 - a 86 year old American male from Marikina City. With travel history from USA and Korea. Expired March 14, 2020, 2:24 am. Cause of death: Multiple organ failure, septic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, community-acquired Pneumonia-high risk, COVID-19, Acute Kidney injury, Chronic Kidney Disease, Hypertensive Type II, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Artery Disease.

8.  PH79 - A 68 year old Filipino male from Makati City. No history of travel of foreign countries and no history of exposure 14 days prior to onset of symptoms. Expired March 13, 2020, 3:2 am. Cause of Death: Acute Respiratory Failure probably secondary to Community-acquired Pneumonia-High risk, Hypertensive cardiovascular Disease.

7.  PH89
- A 67 year old Filipino male from San Fernando, Pampanga with travel history from USA who xpired on March 11, 2020, 8:50 PM. Cause of Death: Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Pneumonia, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertensive. Confirmed positive case for COVID-19 on March 13, 2020.

6. PH40 expired late evening of March 13 from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome due to Severe Pneumonia with concomitant Acute Kidney Injury. Patient was admitted at the Northern Mindanao Medical  Center last March after onset of symptoms last February 24. - March 14, 2020

5. PH37 was admitted on March 6 at the Philippine Heart Center, after experiencing onset of symptoms on February 28, PH37 was confirmed with COVID-19 on March 11 and was reported to have existing hypertension. The patient expired this afternoon, with Acute Respiratory Failure as the cause of death. - March 12, 2020

4. PH5, the husband of PH6, also expired late evening of March 12 due acute respiratory disease syndrome from severe pneumonia secondary to COVID-19. PH5 is a known Diabetic and Hypertensive who developed Acute Kidney Injury. - March 12, 2020

3. PH6 was initially admitted at Cardinal Santos Medical Center on March 5, and was thereafter transferred to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine.  PH6 suddenly experienced difficulty of breathing and was intubated late evening March 11. She expired the same night from acute respiratory distress syndrome due to severe pneumonia secondary to COVID-19. Repeat chest x-ray progressive pneumonia PH6 is a known diabetic. - March 12, 2020

2. PH35, who experienced symptoms on February 29, was admitted last March 5, 2020 at the Manila Doctors’ Hospital, and swabbed for testing last March 8. The patient who tested positive last March 11 passed away around noon of the same day due to severe pneumonia. The patient had existing medical conditions, namely hypertension and diabetes mellitus. PH35 was admitted together with her husband PH34 who remains confined in Manila Doctors Hospital. - March 11, 2020

1. PH2, the first COVID-19 death in the Philippines is a Chinese from Wuhan China last February 1. [watch video]
WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte raised the country’s Code Alert System to Code Red Sublevel 2 on March 12, 2020 and declared the National Capital Region (NCR) or Metro Manila under community quarantine. He also directed health officials and the local government units (LGUs) to impose the Stringent Social Distancing Measures for 30 days starting March 15, 2020 [READ HERE]
Office of the Executive Secretary | Memorandum on Community Quarantine over the Entire Luzon and Further Guidelines for the Management of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019) Situation. read full memorandum here:  
Memorandum Circular No. 77, s. 2020 - Signed on March 17, 2020
read full memorandum here
GOV |  National Week of Prayer - 4th Week of March 2020: Thru Proclamation No. 934 s. 2020, Signed on March 21, 2020. read or get copy here
GOV | COVID-19 Hazard Pay Grant to Government Personnel who Physically Report for Work during ECQ including CoS and JO: Thru Administrative Order No. 26, s. 2020, Signed on March 23, 2020
read or get copy here:
GOV | Republic Act No. 11469 or the "BAYANIHAN to Heal as One Act". Signed on March 24, 2020. read or get full copy here:  
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