IATF - Guidelines for Areas Under Modified General Community Quarantine. - PH Trending

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Wednesday, 1 July 2020

IATF - Guidelines for Areas Under Modified General Community Quarantine.


Updated based on the Amendments/Revision under IATF Resoluton No 43 signed on June 03, 2020.

See amendments in bold and underlined words.

What is MGCQ?
MGCQ refers to the transition phase between GCQ and the New Normal, when the following temporary measures are relaxed and become less necessary: limiting movement and transporation, the regulation of operating industries, and the presence of uniformed personnel to enforce community quarantine protocols.

According to the IATF Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation thereof, and for other purposes, under SECTION [5] GUIDELINES FOR AREAS PLACED UNDER MODIFIED GENERAL COMMUNITY QUARANTINE. Areas placed under MGCQ shall observe the following protocols:

1.Minimum public health standards shall be complied with at all times for the duration of the MGCQ.

2. [All persons shall now be allowed to go outside their residences.]

The movement of all persons in areas under MGCQ shall be limited to accessing essential goods and services, for work in the ffices or industries permitted to operate hereunder, and for other activities permitted under this Section.

3. Any person below twenty-one (21) years old, those who are sixty (60) years old and above, those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, ot other health risks, and pregnant women shall be required to remain in their residences at all times; Provided that all activities and movements allowed under other Sections of these Guidelines for the foregoing persons shall continue to be permitted under MGCQ.

[3.] 4.Indoor and outdoor non-contact sports and other forms of exercise such as but not limited to walking, jogging, running, biking, golf, swimming, tennis, badminton, equestrian, range shooting and skateboarding are allowed.  Provided, that the minimum public health standards such as the wearing of masks and the maintenance of social distancing protocols, and no sharing of equipment where applicable, are observed. For this purpose, the prohibition in Section 5(3) does not apply.

[4.] 5. Mass gathering such as but not limited to, movie screenings, concerts, sporting events, and other entertainment activities, religious activities, and work conference [community assemblies, and non-essential work gatherings shall be allowed provided that participants] shall be limited to fifty percent (50%) of the venue or seating capacity. [Religious gatherings shall be allowed under such guidelines as may be declared through subsequent issuances of the IATF.]

[5.] 6. Limited face-to-face or in-person classes may be conducted in HEIs provided there is strict compliance with minimum public health standards, consultation with local government units, and compliance with guidelines set by CHED. HEI activities that involve mass gathering of students shall continue to be prohibited.

For K-12 Basic Education, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan of the DepEd shall be adopted.

For this purpose, the prohibition in Section 5(3) does not apply.

[6.7. Work in all public and private offices may be allowed to resume physical reporting to work at full operating capacity, with alternative work arrangements for persons who are sixty (60) years old and above, those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, or other health risks, and pregnant women.

[7.] 8. The road, rail, maritime, and aviation, sectors of public transportation shall be allowed to operate at the capacity in accordance with guidelines issued by DOTr. Provided, that in all public transports, a strict one (1) meter distance between passengers shall be observed and appropriate engineering shall be in place.

[8.9. Private transportation shall be allowed subject to the guidelines provided by DOTr.

[9.10. All public and private construction projects shall be allowed subject to strict compliance with the construction safety guidelines issued by the DPWH for the implementation of infrastructure projects during the COVID-19 pandemic.

[10.] 11. Except as otherwise provide below, all permitted establishments and activities under [Category I-IVCategory I, II, and III of Section 4(6) and those in pertinent Sections of these Omnibus Guidelines shall be allowed to operate or be undertake at full operational capacity.

a.Barber shops, salons, and other personal care service establishments, at a maximum of fifty (50%) of seating capacity;
b. [Dine-in service in food retail establishments such as supermarkets,] Dine-in restaurants, fast food and food retail establishments, including those in supermarkets, grocery stores, and food preparation establishments, at a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of seating capacity
c.Other Category IV and all other establishments not permitted to operate under previous Sections of these Guidelines, at a maximum of fifty percent (50%) operational capacity. However, for hotels and other accommodation establishments, only those accredited as provided by law and relevant DOT and DILG issuances may operate, and only upon issuance of a Certificate of Authority to operate by the DOT. For this purpose, DOT and DILG shall work with LGUs to ensure compliance of accommodation establishments.

11.Work in government offices may be at full operation capacity, or under such alternative work arrangements as agencies may deem appropriate in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations issued by the CSC.

12.Accredited diplomatic missions and international organizations may resume full operations. [1]

Read Full Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine [here]

Continue Reading: What is the New Normal in the Philippines?

[1] https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/downloads/2020/05may/20200522-omnibus-guidelines-on-the-implementation-of-community-quarantine-in-the-philippines.pdf
[2] https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/downloads/2020/06jun/20200603-IATF-RESOLUTION-NO-43.pdf

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