K-12 Program - PH Trending

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Thursday 18 June 2015

K-12 Program

K-12 in the Philippines

K-12 short definition

  • K–12 (spoken as "k twelve", "k through twelve", or "k to twelve") is a term for the sum of primary and secondary education.
  • used in the United States, Canada, South Korea,Turkey, the Philippines, Egypt, and Australia.

Grading System of K-12

Assessment and Rating of Learning Outcomes
  • The assessment process is holistic, with emphasis on the formative or developmental purpose of quality assuring student learning. It is also standards-based as it seeks to ensure that teachers will teach to the standards and students will aim to meet or even to exceed the standards. The students’ attainment of standards in terms of content and performances therefore, a critical evidence of learning.
  • The assessment shall be done at four levels and shall be weighted as follows:

Level of Assessment
Percentage Weight
Process or Skills

  • The levels are defined as follows:

1. ““Knowledge” refers to the substantive content of the curriculum, the facts and information that the students acquires.
2. ““Process” refers to cognitive operations that the student performs on facts and information for the purpose of constructing meanings and understandings.
3. ““Understandings” refers to enduring big ideas, principles and generalizations inherent to the discipline, which may be assessed using facets of understanding.
4. ““Products/Performances” refers to real-life application of understanding as evidenced by the student’s performance of authentic tasks.
  • Levels of Proficiency

At the end of the quarter, the performance of students shall be described in the report card, based on the following levels of proficiency:
·    Beginning – The student at this level struggles with his/her understanding; prerequisite and fundamental knowledge and or skills have not been acquired or developed adequately to aid understanding.
·    Developing – The student at this level possesses the minmum knowledge and skills and core understandings, but needs help throughout the performance of authentic tasks.
·    Approaching Proficiency – The student at this level has developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings and with little guidance from the teacher and/or with some assistance from peers, can transfer these understandings through authentic performance tasks.
·    Proficient – The student at this level has developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings, and can transfer them independently through authentic performance tasks.
·    Advanced – The student at this level exceeds the core requirements in terms of knowledge, skills and understandings, and can transfer them automatically and flexibly through authentic performance tasks.
The level of proficiency at which the student if performing shall be based on a numerical value which is arrived at after summing up the results of the student’s performance on the various levels af assessment. The numerical values are as follows:

Level of Proficiency
Equivalent Numerical Value
74% and below
75 – 79%
Approaching Proficiency
80 – 84%
85 – 89%
90% and above

What shall appear in the report card is not the numerical value, but the equivalent level of proficiency, abbreviated as follows:
  • B for Beginning;
  • D for Developing;
  • AP for Approaching Proficiency;
  • P for Proficient; and
  • A for Advanced

  1. At the end of the four quarters, the Final Grade for each learning area shall be reported as the average of the four quarterly ratings, expressed in terms of the levels of proficiency. The general average shall be the average of the final grades of the different learning areas, also expressed in terms of levels of proficiency with the numerical equivalent in parenthesis.
  2. Promotion and retention of students shall be by subject. Students whose proficiency level is Beginning (B) at the end of the quarter or grading period shall be required to undergo remediation after class hours so that they can immediately catch up as they move to the next grading period. If by the end of the school year, the students are still at the Beginning level, then they shall required to take summer classes.
  3. As a matter of policy every learning deficiency should be bridged even for those students whose
  4. level of proficiency is above the beginning level.
  5. Honor students shall be drawn among those performed at the Advanced Level. Subsequent guidelines shall be issued as basis for ranking of honors.
  6. The total time daily does not include off-school learning experiences that teachers may require outside of school hours for the production of products and performances as evidence of transfer of learning.

Topic Reference

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