The Past of PH Today: August 7, 1901 & 1940 - PH Trending

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Friday, 7 August 2015

The Past of PH Today: August 7, 1901 & 1940

Manila became a chartered city

On August 7, 1901, the City of Manila was incorporated by virtue of Act 1
83 of the Philippine Commission which was passed on July 31, 1901. Brigadier-General George W. Davis, the last provost-marshall of Manila, drafted the Charter. The Manila Charter followed closely in its general plan of legislation by which the City of Washington, D. C. was then governed.

The National Assembly passed the Educational Act of 1940

On August 7, 1940, the National Assembly passed the Educational Act of 1940, providing among others, for the reduction of the elementary course from seven to six years.

Notably, throughout the Commonwealth era, President Manuel Quezon, in his desire to make better the educational system in the Philippines, made the National Council for Education which served as an advisory body on educational issues.

Noteworthy educational developments during the Commonwealth period take account of:
  1. The revision of the curricula in the elementary and secondary levels;
  2. Introduction of adult education to eliminate illiteracy as well as vocational and;
  3. Citizenship training to adult citizens in the country.

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