NBI Application Online Application Website
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New application of nbi clearance. Sample only!
Last Update: June 2016
Reminder: The latest Online NBI Application 2016 can be done without
verification very easy or even using an imaginary email! Just watch the
recommended video below. Hope it helps. Salamat po.
Latest Video Here!!!
Instruction Documented Here!!!
>>> http://www.apttrendingph.com/2016/06/how-to-apply-new-nbi-clearance-online.html
Part I: Renew NBI Video I
Part II: Renew NBI Video II
Documented Step by Step Process:
New NBI Tuturial: http://www.apttrendingph.com/2016/06/how-to-apply-new-nbi-clearance-online.html
RENEW NBI Tuturial:http://www.apttrendingph.com/2016/06/renewing-nbi-clearance-step-by-step.html
Old links Here:
For more question use NBI Help Desk
09179999421 (Globe)
09204129999 (Smart)
09995699964 (Smart)
Old NBI Application Process Online
- Go to NBI Clearance Online Application Website
- Fill Up The Registration Form
After arriving at the NBI Clearance Online Application Website, Fill
up the “First Timer or New Applicant Application Form.
Make sure to input your correct Email address because the NBI
Clearance website will be sending you email instructions on the payment
process. Assign a strong password and (please) don’t forget it.
Correctly fill out the information needed. Once completed, tick
the “I ACCEPT TERM OF SERVICE” and click the “Sign up” Button. After clicking
the Sign up button, a window will prompt. You have the option to read it or
just skip it by clicking the “I Agree” button.
The page will direct you to the next page of the application form.
This time, additional information is needed. Again, fill this out correctly,
then click the “SAVE INFORMATION” button to save your Application Information.
You’re done with your NBI CLEARANCE Application Form. You may EDIT
your NBI Clearance Application form if you find an erroneous information by
clicking the “EDIT INFORMATION” button.
If you’re satisfied with your NBI Clearance Application form,
click the “APPLY FOR CLEARANCE” button to proceed to the next step. The buttons
for APPLY FOR CLEARANCE and EDIT INFORMATION can be found in the upper right
portion of the screen.
After clicking the button, a window will appear asking your NBI
Clearance Application Type. You just have to select from the drop down if this
is a NEW application or RENEWAL. After assigning the Application Type, write
the Valid ID that you will be presenting when you will process your NBI
Clearance. This is a requirement before they accept your NBI Clearance
Application. Click the I Agree button after completing the fields required.
After submitting your Application Type and Presented ID for NBI
Clearance. An important reminder will be shown.
Please read it!
It says:
“Your REGISTRATION CODE or REFERENCE NUMBER will be provided after you select your PAYMENT OPTION.Your REFERENCE NUMBER shall be your GATE PASS when you enter NBI Clearance Centers.To avoid inconvenience and long lines, please pay your NBI CLEARANCE FEE using your REFERENCE NUMBER at the selected PAYMENT OPTION. If you wish to pay over-the-counter at NBI, please bring your unpaid REFERENCE NUMBER for auto-encoding.Thank you!”
- 3. Schedule An Appointment For Your NBI Clearance
After you successfully filled out your NBI Clearance Application
form, you must schedule an appointment with NBI Clearance. This way, you can
select the date when you will be processing your NBI Clearance. I believe that
this method is copied from Philippine Passport processing wherein you need to
wait for your scheduled time and day before processing your Passport.
Going back to the tutorial, select the NBI Clearance Branch where
you want to process your NBI Clearance. In my case, I prefer the NBI Clearance
Main located on Taft Avenue. Just select the name of the NBI Branch from the
drop down list.
Then after selecting the NBI Clearance branch, choose the date and
time (AM or PM) when you want to process your NBI Clearance. For this example,
I chose January 30, 2015. You can schedule your NBI Clearance Application processing
in the future (ex. 2 months from now) for your convenience.
After scheduling your appointment with NBI Clearance, Click on the
Purpose of your NBI Clearance Application. There’s only two purpose in the
list, that is for LOCAL and ABROAD.
Next is to provide the PURPOSE DETAIL. Select the NBI Clearance
purpose, according to your needs. In this example, I’m selecting the “LOCAL
EMPLOYMENT” because I need an NBI Clearance for my Employment.
Notice now, after selecting the Purpose and Purpose detail of your
NBI Clearance, the amount will automatically appear. Take note that this amount
is not yet final because there are service fees to be charged when you pay
outside of NBI Clearance Office.
This means, if you pay your NBI Clearance in the Bank (whether
Online or Over the counter), using GCASH, Globe Payment Centers or Bayad
centers, they will be charging you additional service fees.
NBI Clearance Fees – How Much Do We Need To Pay?
Applicants must pay the exact amount of NBI Clearance Fees
according to their purpose of application.
You don’t have to worry about the prices, it will automatically
appear when you select the purpose of your application.
4. NBI Clearance Payment Methods
As an NBI Clearance Applicant, you have five (5) options how you
can pay your NBI Clearance. These are through:
Banks (Over the Counter)
Banks (Online)
Mobile (Payment through GCASH)
Bayad Centers
Pay directly to NBI Clearance Branch
For Over the Counter Payment in Banks – you need to go to
accredited banks such as BDO, Metrobank, BPI, Landbank, RCBC, Chinabank,
Eastwest bank, Union Bank, Security Bank, PNB, DBP and others to pay your NBI
Clearance. In this type of Payment method for NBI Clearance, a service fee will
be charged to your NBI Clearance. The amount varies from P40 to P100 depending
on the Bank where you are transacting.
For Bank Online Payment – you can pay online using your Online
Banking app such as BDO Internet Banking, BPI Express Online, Chinabank Online,
Metrobank Direct, RCBC Access one, Unionbank EON/Internet Banking & UCPB
Connect. Just like over the counter payment, a service fee will be charged to
your NBI Clearance. The amount varies from P40 to P100 depending on the Bank
where you are transacting.
Mobile Payment – you can also pay in any Globe Business Centers,
Globelines Payment and Services Centers or any GCASH Outlets. A service fee
will be charged accordingly.
Bayad Centers – you can proceed and pay to any BAYAD CENTER
outlets or to their partners like LBC, Robinsons, eBiz. A service fee will be
charged accordingly.
Going back to the tutorial, click on the payment method you
prefer. For this scenario, I will pay my NBI Clearance using the BANK OVER THE
COUNTER method.
This window will appear, please read it carefully and click
After clicking the Proceed to payment button, this will redirect
you to the payment DragonPay Online Payment System, In the source, choose BPI
Over the Counter Bills Payment then click the SELECT button.
A reference number and final amount that you need to pay will be
shown. They will also send an email instruction on how to pay your NBI
Clearance using BPI Banks.
NBI Clearance Transaction Confirmation
After paying your NBI Clearance in BPI, make sure that you have
your deposit slips.
Now, go back to the NBI Clearance Online application and log in to
your account using your registered email address and password.
Then go to Transactions (can be found at the left side of your
screen). This will show your recent NBI Clearance Transaction and its status.
In this scenario, my recent transaction is still unpaid since I haven’t paid it
yet. To confirm the payment, click the “[Confirm Payment]” link.
The Confirm Payment Link will open a new window (image below).
This will require you to fill out the necessary details of your deposit such as
the branch code which can be found in the deposit slip, the date and time and
the amount that you deposited. Once done, click confirm.
Process Your NBI Clearance
You may now process your NBI Clearance in their NBI Clerance
Some useful advice:
Bring Two (2) Valid Identification Cards.
Make sure to follow the appropriate dress code allowed in the NBI
Clearance Outlets so that they will let you in without any problem.
Bring the printed NBI Clearance Application Reference code, the
one you filled out in the NBI Clearance Website. Make sure that the QR code is
included in your printout.
OR, if you don’t have a print out of the NBI Clearance Online
Application form, just make sure that you copied the Registration Code and
present it there.
When you arrive in the gate of NBI Main, or any of its satellite
offices, don’t waste your time. Ask an NBI Personnel currently stationed to
assist the NBI Clearance Applicants right away. Ask them that you are an NBI
Clearance ONLINE applicant. He or she will give you some directions where to
proceed so listen carefully.
Have your picture taken then the Biometrics will be the next step.
The two steps will be too easy for you, right? No need for a thorough
explanation for this! :)
The last step would be the issuance of your NBI Clearance. This is
where you go to the printing facilities of NBI Clearance and receive your
fresh-from-the-printer NBI Clearance!
Congratulations! You just successfully applied for your NBI Clearance!
Complete here: NBIclearancedotcom
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