PAGASA Daily Weather Forecast for 08 January 2018. - PH Trending

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Monday, 8 January 2018

PAGASA Daily Weather Forecast for 08 January 2018.

Tropical Easterlies will bring some rains in the eastern section of the country.
The Philippine Image weather condition via satellite PAGASA as of 6:00 AM, 08 January 2018.

Easterlies affecting the eastern section of the country issued 6:00 AM, 08 January 2018.

Caused by Easterlies it will bring cloudy skies with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms in places of Bicol Region, Caraga, Davao region, SOCCSKSARGEN and Quezon province. Impacts: Possible flash floods or landslides due to light to moderate with at times heavy rains

Caused by Localized Thunderstorms, weather condition in Metro Manila, Visayas and the rest of Luzon and of Mindanao will be partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rainshowers. Impacts: Possible flash floods or landslides due to light to moderate with at times heavy rains

What is Tropical Easterlies?

According to, trade Winds - occasionally known as the tropical easterlies, these winds generally blow from east to west between approximately zero and 30 degrees latitude. They bend slightly toward the equator; that is, in the Northern Hemisphere, they commonly blow from the northeast to the southwest, and in the Southern Hemisphere, they blow from the southeast to the northwest. Although there are exceptions, the trade winds are typically predictable and reliable; colonial mariners counted on them to propel their shipping vessels. The trade winds also help drive ocean currents in the tropics. Source

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