Dost developed ECO-SEP deodorizes water waste in Boracay - PH Trending

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Friday, 7 August 2015

Dost developed ECO-SEP deodorizes water waste in Boracay

Eco-Sep, the solution for waste-water.

Successfully promoting the island paradise - Boracay has become a must-visit place and favorite Philippine local and tourist destination according to Philippine Department of Tourism

For that cause, Boracay have been subject to issues like solid wastes, wastewater and drainage system. 

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as the primary researcher that may help for that issue had conducted a study and developed solution  to sustain the fragrance and and eco-air within Boracay Islands. They developed the Eco-Sep. 

What is Eco-Sep? Eco-Sep is an organomineral treatment used in a self-sustaining and portable wastewater treatment system.

What are organominerals? These are mineral products formed from interaction of organic matter.
The organominerals enhances the Eco-Sep, a low-cost method for immediate installation of domestic wastewater clean-up.

Application. To help Boracay solve the problem, the DOST, through the help of local government unit of Boracay, applied the treatment in selected Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) and in some hotels within the beach area. Their team also sprayed organominerals on biodegradable wastes so that the odor from garbage may also be reduced. A significant reduction in bad odor was achieved both in hotels and in the MRFs. Meanwhile, in a jar test conducted in a pumping station in Boracay, it was reported that after applying treatment, the isolated water changed in color and the bad odor was eliminated.

The DOST said that the LGU is having interest in this technology, since they saw how it addresses the problem on waste-water.

Philippine News Agency

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