The 2015 - 2016 Official school calendar for School Year - PH Trending

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Thursday, 6 August 2015

The 2015 - 2016 Official school calendar for School Year

Official school calendar for School Year 2015-2016

Based to Department Order No. 9, s. 2015 issued by Secretary of Education Armin Luistro, the official school year begins on June 1, 2015 and ends April 1, 2016.
The department order directs the heads of public and private elementary and secondary institutions nationwide to follow the school calendar.
Private schools may choose to deviate from DepEd’s official calendar. However, they may not start classes before the first Monday of June and not later than the last day of August (as provided in Republic Act No. 7797).
The important dates for SY 2015-2016 are as follows:


1 – Labor Day (regular holiday)
4-10 – Palarong Pambansa
18-23 – Brigada Eskwela
25-29 Oplan Balik Eskwela


1 – Beginning of Classes for SY 2015-16
12 – Independence Day (regular holiday)
Special PEPT
20 – 1st Parent-Teacher Conference (or PTC) (Saturday)


17 – Eid’l Fitr (regular holiday) (tentative)


6-7 – 1st Quarter Examinations
15 – Distribution of Cards/PTC
21 – Ninoy Aquino Day (special non-working holiday)
26 – National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) for Kto12 Grade 9
31 – National Heroes Day (regular holiday)


Eid’l Adha (regular holiday) (tentative)


5 – World Teachers Day
15-16 – 2nd Quarter Examinations
24 – Distribution of Cards/PTC
26-30 – Mid-year assessment and INSET/Semestral Break (for students only)


1 – All Saints Day (special non-working holiday)
15 – Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) – Luzon
22 – PEPT – Visayas and Mindanao
30 – Bonifacio Day (regular holiday)


19 – Start of Christmas Break
30 – Rizal Day (regular holiday)

January 2016

4 – Resumption of Classes
7-8 – 3rd Quarter Examinations
23 – Distribution of Cards/PTC
30 – Early Registration Day

February 2016

25 – EDSA People Power Anniversary (observance)

March 2016

2 – National Achievement Test (NAT) (Secondary – Grade 10)
2-4 – 4th Quarterly Examinations (Final Examinations)  for Grade 6 and 10
8 – Language Assessment for Primary Grades (LAPG) for Grade 3
10 – National Achievement Test (NAT) (Elementary – Grade 6)
17-18 – 4th Quarterly Examinations for Grades 1-5 and Grades 7-9
24 – Maundy Thursday (regular holiday)
25 – Good Friday (regular holiday)
26 – Black Saturday (special non-working holiday)

April 2016

1 – Graduation
Last day of classes
4-8 – Distribution of Cards
9 – Araw ng Kagitingan (regular holiday)
11 – Start of Summer Classes

May 2016

1 – Labor Day
Palarong Pambansa
16-21 Brigada Eskwela
21 – End of Summer Classes and Final Examinations
23-27 – Oplan Balik Eskwela
Special week-, month-long observances

The same department order likewise instructs elementary and secondary schools to observe the following week- and month-long activities as mandated by law:

Month Activity

May 2015       
Palarong Pambansa
National Schools Maintenance Week (Brigada Eskwela)
Stakeholders’ Orientation on Ktol2/Basic Enhanced Education Curriculum
INSET/Planning Week National Flag Day Celebration (May 28)

Opening of Classes
Commemoration of the Philippine Independence Day Celebration
World Environment Day (June 12)
Safe Kids Week
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)
Pambansang Gawad sa Ulirang Kabataan
(National Level Competition)
Nationwide Search for the Outstanding W.A.T.C.H Schools
(National Level Competition)
Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of
Galicano Apacible (June 25)
Commemoration of the Historic Siege of Baler and Philippine-Spanish
Friendship Day (June 30)

Career Guidance Week
National Nutrition Month
National Disaster and Preparedness Month
National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week
Science and Technology Week
Savings Credit Consciousness Week
Eid’l Fitr (Legal Holiday) (Tentative)
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)
Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of
Apolinario Dela Cruz (Hermano Puli) (July 22)
Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of Apolinario Mabini (July 23)

International Indigenous Peoples Day
History Month
Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of President Manuel L.
Quezon (August 19)
1st Quarter Examinations
Sight Saving Month
Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa
White Cane Safety Day
International Youth Day
Ninoy Aquino Day (Special Non-Working Holiday)
Commemoration of the National Heroes Day (August 25)
National Heroes Day (Regular Holiday)
National Career Assessment Examination
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)

National Teachers’ Month (September 5-October 5)
National Crime Prevention Week (September 1-7)
Commemoration of the Opening of Malolos Congress (September 15)
Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Declaration of
Martial Law (September 23)
Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of
Gen. Miguel Malvar (September 27)
Clean and Green Month
Literacy Month
Science and Math Week
Linggo ng Kasuotang Filipino
History Week
International Day of Peace
Eid’l Adha (Legal Holiday) (Tentative)
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)
Family Week]

National Indigenous People Month
Consumer Welfare Month
Elderly Filipino Week (October 1-7)
Commemoration of the Leyte Gulf Landing (October 20)
Children’s Month
Clean and Green Month
Scouting Month
Week of the Elderly
Global Handwashing Day
National Health Education Week
National Leadership Training for Student Government Officers
(Saturday and Sunday)
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Consciousness Week
2nd Quarter Examinations
National Level Science and Math Fair (Secondary Level)
Mid-Year Assessment and INSET/Semestral Break (For Students Only)
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)

National Observance of Deaf Awareness Week (November 10-16)
National Reading Month
Filipino Values Month
Malaria Awareness Month
Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT)
Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week
National Youth Day
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)
National Music Competition for Young Artists
(National Level Competition)
National Week for the Gifted and Talented
National Clean Month/National Environmental Awareness Month
Araw ng Pagbasa ((November 27)
Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of
Andres Bonifacio (November 30)

National Children’s Day of Broadcasting
Linggo ng Kabataan
World AIDS Day
Education Week
Human Rights Week
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Historical, Cultural, and Arts Festival of Excellence (RNFE)
(National Level Competition)
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)
Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of
Dr. Jose Rizal (December 30)

January 2016 
National Cancer Consciousness Week
Autism Consciousness Week
Breast Cancer Consciousness Week
3rd Quarter Examinations
Early Registration Day (Saturday)
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)
Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Inauguration of the First
Philippine Republic (January 23)

National Dental/Oral Health Month
Adoption Consciousness Celebration (February 7)
National Awareness Week for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and
Exploitation (February 10-14)
Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of
GOMBURZA (February 17)
Commemoration of the EDSA People Power Revolution (February 22-25)
Philippine Arts Month
Premyo Rizal Writing Contests
(National Level Competition)
National Children with Intellectual Disabilities Week
Bantay Puso Week
Leprosy Prevention Week
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)

Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of Paciano Rizal (March 9)
National Achievement Test (Grades 6 and 10)
Language Assessment for Primary Grades (Grade 3)
Women’s Month
Fire Prevention Month
Global Peace Festival
Career Guidance Week
Girl Child Week Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Graduation Ceremonies
PNOY IB Trees Project (Saturday)

Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of Francisco “Balagtas”
Baltazar (April 2)
National Disability Week
National Children’s Book Week
National Festival of Talents
National Schools Press Conference
Commemoration of the Araw ng Kagitingan and Philippine Veterans
Week (April 5-11)
Start of Summer Classes

Palarong Pambansa
Labor Day (Regular Holiday)
End of Summer Classes
Final Examinations (Summer Classes)
National Flag Day Celebration (May 28)

Please refer to Department Order No. 9, s. 2015, for more information.

Holidays and Observances:

1 Jan    New Year's Day
8 Feb   Chinese Lunar New Year's Day
25 Feb People Power Anniversary
24 Mar Maundy Thursday
25 Mar Good Friday
27 Mar Easter Sunday
9 Apr   The Day of Valor
1 May  Labor Day
5 May  Lailatul Isra Wal Mi Raj
12 Jun  Independence Day
8 Jul     Eidul-Fitar
21 Aug            Ninoy Aquino Day
28 Aug            National Heroes Day
29 Aug            National Heroes Day holiday
13 Sep Id-ul-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)
3 Oct   Amun Jadid
1 Nov  All Saints' Day
2 Nov  All Souls' Day
30 Nov            Bonifacio Day
12 Dec Maulid un-Nabi
24 Dec Christmas Eve
25 Dec Christmas Day
30 Dec Rizal Day
31 Dec New Year's Eve

Government Official Site

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